Selasa, 18 Oktober 2011

Tugas Epidemiologi Penyakit Menular : Part II

Berikut disampaikan tugas individu, Epidemiologi Menular, Seminar Interasional, 22 Oktober 2011

Membuat resume penelitian, 1 penelitan di seminar internasional yang berkaitan dengan epidemiologi
Deadline : 16 November 2011
Kodik harus mengabsen dalam mengikuti seminar, 22 Oktober sebagai salah satu pertemuan kuliah
Membuka wacana dalam mengikuti setiap seminar internasional tentang Public Health
Use this chance to enrich your experience about Public Health
Pendaftaran dilakukan pada panitia SI

Rico Januar Sitorus, SKM, M.Kes (Epid)
Najmah, SKM, MPH

Note : for our task epid Part I, please check your email because Mrs. Najma has sent to our Milist !!

Najmah, SKM, MPH

Lecturer in Public Health Faculty
Sriwijaya University
South Sumatra

Kamis, 13 Oktober 2011

Release new blog for epidemiology infectious desease !!

Hallo, guys !!! how are you ?? I hope you glad today. today I tried to make blog for our lesson. Yeah that is Epidemiology Infectious Disease. Miss Najma said that I have to create one blog for to collect all our paper. Our paper absollutely about epid.Infecs and we have to finish in one month. this blog will showing our paper with kinds of infectious diseases. there are abstract, background, and we have to explain natural history of diseases. I as an admin would like thanks to miss Najma had given confidence in order to coordinate this blog. Hopelly, I  will not to disappoint my lecture and friends....